Saturday, June 2, 2007

Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion

Sound : 8/10 Yah... 8/10 because well its cool? Nah :P The sound is very expansive and each and every single NPC including minor ones who you can just talk to have unique sounds.The walking sound can be kind of annoying and the picking up/dropping sound is kind of annoying.

Graphics : 9/10 HUGE EXPANSIVE WORLD,This is COMPLETELY Free roam you can go for 10 hours of questing without even BEGINNING THE MAIN QUEST, Oblivion gates and enemy's look amazing.If your computer can even run this game you should try it. My computer can barley run it without FPS(FramePerSecond) issues on LOW setting no shadow no water reflect,If you have a new end computer without Windows Vista you can enjoy this game to the fullest. You can make almost make any person inside the Character Creation.

Interactivity : 10/10 Yah I just gave something a 10. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING IN THIS GAME. You can make about any single look alike if you take some time. You can take plants for medicine, go through oblivion gates save knights join guilds become a mage. You can basically do anything in this amazing game.

Support : 3/10 This game has many bugs and have been many cases of corrupted game disks.Your computer wont probably be able to support this either

3.75/5 Amazing game I recommend it. Anything is possible in this game.

- Jay

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