Havn't played Number one but own number 2 bare with me
Sound : 10/10 Have to give a 10/10 because the game is all about the sound you make it good or bad, if you suck the sound sucks but the songs in this game are so good! classics good if you like the old school stuff (Nirvana, or even lenerd skinnaerd) but besides the point i love the songs and i think there awesome
Graphics : 7/10 so you in a band and you play songs then advance to a different place there are many different places i think theres like 9 or 10 but ya the scenery and stuff is so good although repetitive but when you do and encore the stage changes into something different which is a really amazing touch to the game.
you can use star power which you gain from hitting the star notes or chords on the screen then you do some sick ass trick depending on what character you have.
Community : not enough to review community
Support : 4/10 there is an addition to number 2 and its pratice mode you can choose sections of songs that you getting you ass kicked on and slow them down to the normal song speed, slow, slower and slowest so you know what noted you have to hit (you can getb to this straight after you fail a song of from the start menu)
Interactivity 10/10 HOLY FRIKEN CRAP YOU HAVE A MINI GUITAR TO PLAY THIS GAME( can also be played on a controller ( N ) holy ya i'm doing this section because you not using a controller to play, well you can but you actually using a mini guitar with 5 buttons green, red, yellow, blue and orange blue being the first and orange being the last
Overall : 4.5/5 this game is so fun i love it the setting you can choose make the game more difficult and you can just keep on playing the songs you want get gig money and buy new charaters, outfits, songs, guitars etc. I love it
- Andrew